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ComplianceOne Newsletter – May 2024

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:



ComplianceOne Newsletter – April 2024

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:

ComplianceOne Newsletter – March 2024

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:


為規管虛擬資產場外交易 (Virtual Asset OTC), 香港政府擬根據《打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集條例》(第615章) (《打擊洗錢條例》)設立虛擬資產場外交易服務提供者發牌制度。我們就此準備了簡易的說明。

ComplianceOne Newsletter – February 2024

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:



ComplianceOne Newsletter – January 2024

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:

ComplianceOne Newsletter – Decemeber 2023

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:

ComplianceOne Newsletter – November 2023

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:

ComplianceOne Newsletter – October 2023

The topics discussed in this monthly newsletter are as follows:

Executive Summary - SFC’s and HKMA’s Joint circular on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities

The SFC and HKMA issued a Joint Circular on 20 October 2023 to provide further guidance on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities. We have prepared an executive summary to summarize the key points for easier reference.

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